Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Life - Off track

In this world, we don’t….
But now I do… As I realize
the tiring fact, I am wordless.
I have been struck with an
iron fist and my morality is hurt.
to live again, the old way seems
too impossible. For what came
with the blow was the realization. 
And this realization changed my life……


A tormented soul, now sings aloud.
A song of pain, a song of sorrow,
of dreaded miseries and painful memories.
All with the smell of stagnant blood.

Terror, tremors and trauma fills it up.
Of shock, elevation and treachery.
Life has been a sea of sorrow,
an unending journey filled with
hatred and self pity.

Journeying into the beyond,
past the mirages, life seems too
hopeless. For it killed all the
little joys and filled in it,
the salt of tears.

Here I am, having built myself
a tomb of stones, to lock me
in. To isolate me from a world
which torments me, from its
beings, who make me cry.

To see the hate war, the blood
spilled in the name of power,
in the name of wealth. To hear
the cry of world, the lament of
man. The shattering noises
and the heart breaking sights,
no more can I endure it.

The ghastly beasts and the war
machines has made this world
a cemetery. For once peace used
to live here, but now only in death.

As the day comes to end,
one looks at the bleeding sun 
with no hope of seeing it again….

En route Love

Hundred of years went by,
hundreds will come. But the
true essence of love will remain
untainted and unaffected in this
world of sins. For it will remain
pure, fresh and exciting as ever, for
whoever is willing to fall into.

To feel that magical ecstasy,
to rejoice that divine bliss,
all you need is to follow your
heart. It will lead always lead
you onto the right path;
where flowers bloom everyday,
where trees sway to the
rhythm of the wind, where you
find life so bright, that
everyday, you will find 
her smiling…..

Divine Beats

Embody the spirit, live the opportunity.
Make this moment feel like no other.
Sync into the beat, move in with
the rhythm, rejoice the music of passion.

Move along, spin around , do
what you feel like doing.
For, when you do it, you come
in touch with your divinity, you
come in contact with yourself.

Look around, see the nature,
feel her passion beating inside you.
Listen to it and nothing else,
you will feel a bliss and that
will transport you into the world 
of unknown….

Be with you...

A simple feeling that’s close to heart.
A simple pleasure that I hold onto.
A simple force that makes my day begin.
It is you, that drives me in my simple life.

A minute before, I stopped thinking
about you. But just a second later,
I find myself doing that again. I
find no control when it comes to
you. I crave for you like a baby, 
craving for its mother’s passion.

Just hold my hands and walk along.
To spend few moments in heavenly
joy. Past this world, past its people
into a world of our own.

If you are with me, nothing
else matters. Not this world,
not its pains. Nothing but 
this moment matters….

A New Life

My heart nowadays, follows a divine rhythm.
The beat of nature, the beat of passion.
Heralded from a deep sleep, I see
a new world, a new life. Bubbling with
energy, life feels good, it feels nice.

This world surrogated me and
I feel gratified to that motherly
love and the brotherly love, my
co-beings give, makes this life unalike.

For a person whose life has
been nothing but a tragedy,
this new world is a heaven,
this new life is a blessing
and the people around are angels.